Friday, January 18, 2013

Essay: My American Dream

My American dream consists of opening an eight story building that acquires, from top to bottom: a restaurant, a culinary floor, a floor for designers, a floor for photo maniacs, a floor where people can go to study, to relax, a floor for poets, a floor for musicians, and the top floor for artists to paint the skies, to sculpt skyscrapers Bringing all these talents together in one building to aspire a great idea from one another, to open a guilt free world for anyone who needs peace, relaxation, simple thinking for their life, is my American dream.

Striving to become a lawyer, I actually had not considered what exactly it takes to become a lawyer; how hard they have to work to succeed in the process of becoming an employee of the law, what schooling they have to acquire, all the reading they must analyze; their limits inside the court, I realized I didn't want to be a lawyer anymore. Lawyers usually make a heap of money, which really was the main reason for the baseless appeal, to bring a huge paycheck home, to provide highly for my future family though; I would not be content with law.

Music, the recreation serenity to me, was my life, still continues my life, furthermore the true sensation to me. Singing also evolved with my love of music, the bottom line to becoming a famous musician however; because I am vaguely hesitant when it comes to singing, only four people have actually heard me sing, sliming my chances of ever becoming a musician. Besides the fact of me being a loner singer, observing the celebrity life, being greatly famous meant having a few obsessed people who would do just about all to get to that celebrity, including everyone knowing their life with the paparazzi, this would arrange great depression.

Music, art, poetry, photography, cooking, baking, designing are my greatest interests, including bringing people to their peace of mind, to their complete tranquility. My dream prevails to open an accommodation for everyone, to come, to go, enjoying life with family, friends, new acquaintances. Everyone needs a break in life, a day just for them, to acquire all they have to acquire, to discover their dreams.  

After my horrendous journey to discovering my true potential, cooking, I soon discovered there contains no importance to how much money a person brings home, how many big shiny, new toys they have however; all that should be important is how happy that person continues to be with their life.



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